Foujita copyright owner, the Fondation Foujita,created under the aegis of the Fondation Apprentis d’Auteuil, aims to maintain a living memory around this Franco-Japanese artist of the École de Paris and develop practical artistic projects to promote education, training and integration for vulnerable young people with educational, social or family difficulties, accompanied by Apprentis d’Auteuil and its partners.
Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita
An unclassifiable Franco-Japanese artist, Foujita (1886-1968), isone of the most famous artists of the School of Paris, as much for his style as for his sense of celebration and his ties of friendship with the great artists of the time, like Modigliani, Soutine, Zadkine, Laurencin, Desnos…
Bringing Foujita’s work to life
With his singular haircut, round glasses, earrings and extravagantly elegant outfits, which he either made himself or chose from the top brands, Léonard Foujita was one of the enigmatic, charismatic artists who left their mark on 20th-century art history and contributed to the influence of what was then Paris, the intellectual, artistic and cultural capital of the world.